International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects

Surveillance and Research.
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Welcome to the ICBDSR Platform for Sharing Birth Defect Prevalence Data.

Access to the platform is allowed to:

  • ICBDSR Full Members (Surveillance Program Directors and Staff)
  • ICBDSR Associate Members
  • Researchers and Public Health Officers

To access the platform credentials are required (username and password), please ask to or click on the "Contacts" in the horizontal menu.

Associate Members, Researchers and Public Health Officers should also state what is the purpose of the request.
Authorized Surveillance Program Directors and Staff will be able to:

  1. Enter annual data for their own program
  2. Manage their own program’s data: add, correct, update data of previous years
  3. Download their own database in Excel
  4. Produce tables of any ICBDSR Surveillance Program by malformation and by year(s)
  5. Produce graphs of any ICBDSR Surveillance Program by malformation

Authorized Associate Members, Researchers and Public Health Officers will be able to access to the 4 and 5 items.

Enjoy the ICBDSR Web Platform!